Fractured Nasal Bone

Nasal fractures are the most common facial fractures that occur in the world around us. But generally they are not indentified and treated at the time of occurrence. The centralized positioning of nose in  human face with anterior protrusion makes it the most vulnerable and accident prone organ of our body. A fracture of one or more of the bones of the nasal area is referred by the term broken nose or nasal fracture. Nasal fractures can be caused either from a head on collision or from a lateral impact. Causes for the formation of nasal fractures include physical trauma caused in motor vehicle accidents, sport injuries, injuries in fights and injuries caused when falling from a higher altitude.

As the cartilage portion in the nasal area in the children are lesser compared Nasal bone fractures are the main facial fractures. Read more about Fractured Nasal Bone symptoms and treatments include rhinoplasty and septorhinoplasty procedureto that in adults, the damages caused to the children in the fractured nasal bone area is less serious and easily manageable. Bones of children are more elastic and hence the nasal fractures in children are without much displacement. On the other hand as the bony tissues in the nasal area of grown up people is more than that in the children, the treatment of broken nose  in grown ups are more complicated.


1)      Swelling, bruising and tenderness around the nose.

2)      Deformed or crooked nose.

3)      Blockage in one or both of the nostrils.

4)      Twisted septum.


By studying the symptoms shown by you and by understanding the circumstances which lead to the symptoms your doctor will be able to diagnose the fractured nose. After this he will examine your nose using a bright light and try to find out whether any bruise or blood clot is  present there. After this initial diagnosis your doctor may refer to an otolaryngologist or a plastic surgeon if he feels that you need specialized care.

If your nose is deformed the surgeon may try to realign it immediately without opting for  surgical correction. If your problem is persistent bleeding a haemostatic sponge may be packed in the front of your nose. In the case of blood clot or bruise, your doctor may make small incision and allow the blood to drain out. If the blood clot is not drained out it may lead to septal hematoma which can cause permanent deformity to the nose.

If the injury is not serious your doctor may wait for a few days for the swelling to subside. It has been found that in many cases the deformed nose can be realigned within 10 days in a non surgical procedure known as closed reduction. If this could not be achieved, then a surgical procedure known as rhinoplasty can be carried out to reshape the nose and improve its appearance. If the nasal septum also needs to be augmented then the procedure named septorhinoplasty is the appropriate procedure for this purpose.

Nose specialists in India